Sunday, March 6, 2011

Week of March 7th

This is looking to be a five day week of school, which will be good. In math class, we will be going over the quizzes that you took on Friday and the Sunshine Math that was turned in. Many of you are all set on adding and subtracting negative and positive numbers, but if you are not we have some extra work to do. We will be moving on to multiplying and dividing negative and positive integers this week. POW #11 is due on Wednesday and Sunshine Math is due on Friday. We will take a quiz on 6.1 to 6.5, not this week but the next.
In social studies, the poster projects seem to be going well. We will have another work day on Monday. You have all the notes for our test on Chapter 5 on Tuesday. Those notes are your study guide and you may use them during the test, but not the book. I will collect your posters on Tuesday. We will be watching the last 40 minutes of the Liberty video on Wednesday. Thursday, we will present the posters and use Friday to go over the test. No Current Event due this week.
You will be printing out your progress reports on Wednesday during Advisory at the end of the day. Make sure that you have completed the survey that I sent you by email last week, so that I can fill in your class participation grade.

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